jueves, 17 de enero de 2013

Volunteers Request 2013 - I

Buscas un lugar para aumentar tu estadía en Machupicchu sin pagar? Puedes trabajar colaborando con nosotros.

Looking for a place to stay in with free accomodation and food? This is for you!



Recovering and conserving the wild habitat, helping the sustainability of endangered species of flora and fauna.

Our organization is working since 1998 for the conservation and preservation of the native rainforest in Machupicchu. Located in a wonderful place 30 minutes from Machupicchu.

We are requesting volunteers who really would want to contribute to our efforts for biodiversity conservation, we would really appreciate your time as a donation to our organization.

Activities at the reserve

Doing some plant research with Federico and some handicrafts with Eleonora

This activities might be scheduled in a personalized program depending on your interests, intentions and skills:
·         Organical farming and medicinal plants
·         Reforestation
·         Orchids culture and native ornamental plants gardening
·         Photography, arts and handy-crafts
·         Ecotourism services: guiding, restaurant and hosteling
·         Research in flora and fauna


o   Enrich your knowledge and experience in:
§  Andean culture
§  Spanish, English and/or Quechua languages
§  Organical and traditional food
§  Tropical Biodiversity and conservation
§  Ecology and sustainable resources
§  Nature photography and arts

o   Free accommodation

o   Free food

o   Incentively excursions

o   Enjoy the wonderful landscapes of Machupicchu!

Are you ready to apply?

It is very important to know that you will be trained from 2 to 5 days (depending on your skills). So the condition to receive the benefits from our organization are based on your volunteering period that must be at least 10days. (sorry if missunderstanded, I am spanish speaker, for any doubt and questions contact me)

Send your C.V. and explain your intentions and interests in our project. If you need more information just ask by e-mail, i will be pleased to answer. (Sorry, this blog was made in few minutes, so I did not put more details)

E-mail: vem.machupicchu@gmail.com
Celphone: 940 188155
Kind Regards to Everyone!